Love my work? Find it useful?
Buy me a coffee!

If you like my work and want to say thanks — buy me a coffee! If you find my work useful and want to me to continue producing helpful content — buy me a coffee!

Any amount that you happily and willingly share supports my work. It not only supports me in a material way — it also supports me in nonmaterial ways. Your support affirms that my work is helpful and relevant, that I’m on the right track, and that I should not stop, except to smell the flowers. In short, your support inspires me to work even harder.

Coffee keeps me going! runs on coffee. So, please, buy me a cup or two — or even a pot if your generosity is overflowing right now.

If you’re in the Philippines, buy me a coffee via the following channels (scan the QR coode with your GCash, GoTyme, or banking app):


Or, if you're elsewhere, click/tap the button below and buy me a coffee using your credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay:

Buy Me A Coffee

Please let me thank you, too, for giving to my coffee fund! After sending your support, contact me right away so that I can inscribe your name on Manuy Em’s Great Wall of Gratitude.

Mga Hubad